
Fredrik died only 11 years old. He died of ALD - adrenoleukodystrophy, Through our site ald-minnefond.com - we will give information of this very rare disease, and our son Fredrik.

What is our aim with ALD-Fredrik’s Memorial Fund? As parents of Fredrik our greatest wish is that parents of other boys with Adrenoleukodystrofi (ALD) will be given a hope of saving their child.

Our aim with the Memorial Fund is that ALD and related diseases will be discovered at an early enough stage to provide treatment. The school and the school health service will through their collaboration with the parents be essential in discovering changes in a child’s development and learning ability. The Memorial Fund will through information also contribute to an increased awareness of the disease to those who deal with children; kindergarden and school teachers, the school health service, the school psychologist, paediatricians and other parts of the National health service as well as sport clubs and other organisations. Relatives and friends of families with children are also possible target groups.

The disease is very rare. Our family was one of its victims. If we only had had the relevant knowledge!

The Fund members will be grateful for every contribution.

The members of the ALD-Fredrik’s Memorial Fund There are nine members of the ALD-Fredrik’s Memorial Fund. All of them have either experience from working with ALD patients and similar diseases – or they have worked with Fredrik.

In addition teacher of special eduction at Childrens Neurological Section at Rikshospitalet University Hospital is in the group.

Copyright ©  ALD Fredriks Minnefond